Shamrock Firewood and Tree Services

Call Finn Sainty today

Sectional tree felling

Tall tree? Not much space? No problem!

For particularly tall trees or areas where the tree cannot be felled in one piece safely, we also offer sectionsal tree felling.

Sectional tree feeling means removing the tree in smaller pieces, carefully lowering each removed priece to the ground to avoid damage to any property or other considerations (like fences, lawns etc).

With our experience and qualifications, you can rely on us to get the job done well, safely and with a minimum of disruption.

We are fully NZQA qualified in both Advanced Felling and Sectional Felling, and of course we have full public liability insurance for your peace of mind.

Take a look at our tree felling and tree removal services too!

Get in touch today

Talk to our sectional tree felling specialists!